eCard Professional™ is a computer system already to the 2.3.1 version, beeing in service for over a year now as an expert system for ANOFM,having integrated all necessary mechanisms for conducting the activities of the institution,from the unemployed file constitution, employment measures, payment of allowances and bonifications to the relationships with operators, including on-line declaration of vacant jobs and on-line providing of available ones etc.
eCard Professional™
eCard Professional™ system provides real possibility of eliminating bureaucracy, where citizens can register with ID to receive services and all the other services, including on-line, using only the professional card.
The infrastructure comprises over 250 issuing centers, distributed nationwide, in all counties, including 250 printers, 1250 web-cameras and 1250 card readers, available on the network and over 400,000 cards issued to date.
Citizens no longer wait to obtain certificates because eCard Professional™ is the system that has implemented mechanisms for interoperability with 10 data sources, including feature that allows flow reduction and even elimination of fraud situations. By using the system, it takes to process an unemployment file in approx. 3 minutes and its immediate transfer to another county as against 20 -30 minutes in previous situations and for transfer 7 days.
eCard Professional™ ensures the modernization, success and efficiency of the National Employment Agency throughout reducing time consuming bureaucratic activities, ensuring the necessary technical support for delivering quality employment services.